For buhari and his northern semi illiterates, ALMOST EVERYTHING IS MISSING,.. From the orchestrated chibok CHICS, alleged to be missing... To the billions of naira given to the Buhari administration to fight terrorists, also missing... Lets not forget that buhari's certificates are MISSING IN ACTION, that's why buhari is spending public funds to acquire THIRTEEN SENIOR ADVOCATES OF NIGERIA, to help find, not the missing certificates, but Lame excuses and hopeless extenuations... Then there is the salient fact that buhari's brain too, is missing, the Nigerian economy can bear witness to that... So also will his lopsided appointments... And his favorite incubi, THE WITCH HUNTING OF OPPOSITION AND IMAGINARY ENEMIES... All points to the missing brain... And now, in the midst of nigerians suffering senselessly because of a Hopelessly clueless administration, the entire nation is rendered STATIC for THREE MISERABLE DAYS, searching for an Arabian moon, just to complete an Arabian retarded religious ritual that has no single relevance in the economy of Nigeria or the welfare of nigerians, other than the fact that some Nigerians including buhari, suscribe to moon worship...
THE rule of law too is missing in Nigeria... Democracy is equally